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Florida Commission of Ethics Information and Forms


Filing Information

Statement of Financial Interest (Form 1)

Who Files?

When Filed?

Where Filed?

Local officers as defined in Section 112.3145 (1)(a), Florida Statute.

Within 30 days of appointment or employment and then annually by July 1 of each year.

Supervisor of Elections in county where local officerresides.

Specified State Employees as defined in Section 112.3145 (1)(b), Florida Statute.

Within 30 days of appointment or employment and then annually by July 1 of each year.

Florida Commission on Ethics P O Drawer 5709 Tallahassee, FL 32317-5709

State Officer (other than those required to file CE Form 6) as defined in Section 112.3145 (1)(c ),Florida Statue.

Within 30 days of appointment of employment and then annually by July 1 of each year.

Florida Commission on Ethics P O Drawer 5709 Tallahassee, FL 32317-5709

Candidates for local elective office (other than those required to file CE Form 6).

At the same time qualifying papers are filed.

With officer before whom they qualify.

Full and Public Disclosure of Financial Interests (Form 6)

Who Files?

When Filed?

Where Filed?

All elected constitutional officers and candidates for such offices.

Incumbent officials must file annually by July 1.

Candidates must file at the time of qualifying.

Florida Commission on Ethics P O Drawer 15709 Tallahassee, FL 32317-5709

Candidates file the officer before whom they qualify.

239 SW Pinckney St Madison, FL 32340 | PHONE: (850) 973-6507

EMAIL: | HOURS: M-F 8am - 5pm

Heath Driggers, Supervisor of Elections
Madison County, Florida

ADDRESS: 239 SW Pinckney St, Madison, FL 32340  |  HOURS: M-F 8am - 5pm

PHONE: (850) 973-6507  |  EMAIL: