  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Republican:
  • Democrat:
  • Other:
  • Total:

Update Your Voter Registration Information

Helping us keep our voter rolls up to date helps ensure a smooth elections process.

Please notify us if there have been changes to: 

• Your name

• Your address

• Your signature

• Your party affiliation

Address Change

Address changes made within Madison County or from another county within the State of Florida:

• by completing a Florida Voter Registration Application form.

Be sure to PRINT, SIGN, MAIL or HAND DELIVER your completed form to:

Madison County Supervisor of Elections

239 SW Pinckney St.
Madison, FL 32340

Mailing Address vs. Residential Address
A residential address is required as it determines the issues and candidates that you can vote on in any election. However, you can receive your election mail at any valid mailing location you choose: a post office box, personal mailbox, college mailbox, or a military or out of state/country address. All elections-related materials, including your ballot, will be sent to the mailing address you provide. 

Political Party or Name Change
You may complete a Florida Voter Registration Application form.

Closed Primary/Selecting a Political Party
Florida is a "closed primary" state. Which means: If you wish to vote in a partisan primary election, you must be a registered voter in the party for which the primary is being held. (Section 101.021, F.S.) If all candidates in a race have the same party affiliation and the winner of the primary election will have no opposition in the general election, all eligible voters, regardless of party affiliation, may vote in the primary election for that race. This is known as a universal primary.

Persons wishing to register without selecting a political party should check the "NONE" or "No Party Affiliation" box. Those registered with no party affiliation, or in a party with no candidates on the ballot, may vote only for nonpartisan candidates (such as judges or school board members) and on issues and referendum questions. Municipal and judicial races are nonpartisan.

In a general election, you may vote for any candidate regardless of your party affiliation. Party affiliation may be changed at any time; however, changes made within 29 days of a partisan primary election will not go into effect until after the election. Party changes do not affect general or nonpartisan elections.

Signature Update/Change:
It is important to have your updated signature on your voter record. This is the signature on file that must match your signature on a Vote By Mail ballot certificate envelope in order to count your ballot. This signature on file is also used to verify your signature on a candidate or initiative petition.

If your signature or identifying mark has changed, please update your signature on a Florida Voter Registration Application. 

Signature updates can be made at any time, but must be received before Vote By Mail ballots are canvassed in order to be accepted for an election. (Section 98.077, F.S.) 

239 SW Pinckney St Madison, FL 32340 | PHONE: (850) 973-6507

EMAIL: | HOURS: M-F 8am - 5pm

Heath Driggers, Supervisor of Elections
Madison County, Florida

ADDRESS: 239 SW Pinckney St, Madison, FL 32340  |  HOURS: M-F 8am - 5pm

PHONE: (850) 973-6507  |  EMAIL: